please cover your puck
i went with tim and trisha (and some others) to see A midsummer night's dream preformed by a little quad city acting troop. i must say my hats are off to them. i enjoyed it a lot. jeremy, if you read this you did great, hats off to ya. it had it's unsettling moments though of bits and pieces being exposed. puck needed a little bigger covering for his trunk. i'm not going to be able to sleep at night. i don't think i can go to CS anymore with out having flash backs. another exciting moment of the evening was the fact it was held at a masonic hall. qutie interesting those little masons are. or is creepy better way to state it. we found super secret documents from 1968. the broken key to the culdron cabnit, and the daughters of the rainbow not getting clearence before using the great hall. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's! what a let down. the lift works! i am beginning to wonder if it is save to share these things. should i fear for my saftey. mason's could be anywhere, or anyone. MASON backwards is NO SAM. I must warn him. Plug your ears, protect a mime!
Consider myself warned
4:21 PM
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