Tuesday, April 04, 2006


i just want to say thanks to all the people who have helped me figure out this blogging stuff. big shout outs to MYSELF, ME, and ME again. people may have notice that my links have not been linking anything. will my nonlinking days are over. i done did it. i caved in. got tired of the blog jumping to find people i know. now i can just link your butt right off my page. its a good day for me, and you and me and you. so if you'd like a little linking off me page, i'd be more than happy to give ya a spot. unlike MOST PEOPLE that pretend my blog isn't worthy enough to be linked, even though it's been advertised over and over again on their own pages. i've got a punch in the face for all ya. that's you too sam bills. now trisha miller, you get props for being the first person to link me. jason heron you get second place for coolest next linker of me. thanks for caring. i thought this was very INTERESTING every time you click this link below you donate 5cents to starving children in africa. plaese go. go now and click it. you should CHECK THIS OUT SAVE STARVING CHILDREN HERE>>>>> http://www.davehodge78.blogspot.com did you like that? look mom i used color.


Blogger rebekah said...

i/m linkin you right now
(that's sounds kinda weird i think)

7:50 PM

Blogger Samuel Bills said...

I am a bad person - I am shamed - I am not worthy - I am a bad linker - I am a bad person - I am bad

3:13 PM


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