Wednesday, April 05, 2006

i once loved fran

Random things for random people. i don't know why i'm doing this, i was getting ready to respond to an email, yes it is coming, and i stumble into the junk mail file. i may have gotten these before, but i havent notice til tonight. as a matter of fact i had completly forgotten this. it was an email from a sitemeter for a xanga i started in 04. i guess some random person had stumbled on the dumb thing and it tripped the ol meter, sending a reactionary email to me. after reading the thing i almost closed it down. but it brought back so many memories. well i kept it. i'm a little shy, i can't write for crap, as you can tell, and rarely get serious, but it has some meaning for me. so i've linked it off the linkage. you can find it here also:
what really did it for me was the verse and crap i wrote while in San Fran right after graduating college. (i should really go back and polish up the grammer and typo's) I, for the first time (maybe not the first) have experienced the power of writing. it's not to say much, but i was taken back to every spot and moment in franny when and where i wrote the lines. i saw it all again. i was stirred, by the power the words had in my mind to take me there again. so for that i must keep them. cause when i need to get away again or i'm older and need that salty sea water breeze i can find myself there here. so here is me opening the door for you to a piece of me. feast on it, and if you need to spew later. feel free.


Blogger kate debaene said...

i remember when you had this back in the day. it was nice to read it again.

4:56 PM


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