Thursday, May 10, 2007

call me test dummy

so today was chick movie day. i have no problem admitting that, mostly because i watch to many movies and the only new releases on tuesday were three romantic comedys. so on my day off i watched all three. i found myself to experience enough sappieness to drive me to bw's to watch kickboxing, play poker, and eat flesh off the bone. incase you were wondering the movies were catch and release, music and lyrics, and because i said so. catch and release was good, not what i expected, reminded me a bit of moonlight mile (which is a way way better movie and a must see if you have not)music and lyrics i liked, hugh grant i like, and eight's music washup story is just entertainment all by itself. makes you wonder what they are really doing now. because i said so not so much. diane keaton had me wanting to kill myslef and sorry, but it was just revolting how trampie everyone is in this movie. seriously vomited in my mouth numberous times due to this movie.


Blogger rebekah said...

thanks dave.
its fri night, i am bored and thinking i might just run to the video story and watch one of your chick flicks -- i am not really a chick flick movie kinda person, but we'll see... hope all is well with you!

5:12 PM

Blogger Christin said...

Dave, why didn't you pick up "The Painted Veil"? I was hoping you'd give a review of that one.
Since getting pregnant, my dreams have turned into romantic comedies. I wake up wanting to watch them.
I'll have to check out "Moonlight Mile."

12:49 PM

Blogger rebekah said...

dave, think i liked catch and release the best, but i just avoided the vomit movie.

have you seen "bounce" ?

5:13 PM


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