Saturday, August 19, 2006

some awesome freaking questions

this is what happens when you leave things in the hands of the public.
Trisha, you know darn well what you can do with an iktochi tech specialist, but if you ask me, is she doesn't want to go to the prom with you, she's not good for anything.

Tim, though i've tried killing people many times, kindness, never seems to work. i have found that sharp objects are good, though not sharpies themselves.

You can go disc golfing in flip flops just be prepared to get dirty. you can also use flip flops though for making waffles.

'fnkpni,' is not a cuss word it is eskimo for grandmother.

thanks for the questions. and now the news....

my trip to bobby's was flippin sweet. we hung out in lake michie, it was quite cold. like freezing. though the next morning we went fishing on lake mich for salmon, or that fish you can buy in a can and make paddies. it's like deep sea fishing with out the deep sea. just big lake fish. i loved it.
eric, bobby and i did not get arrested, though smacking him across the face in the asian resturant was a great moment. the train ride sucked on the way up, and we got stuck on the way back because of a wreck that i could have possible been in but i pulled a final destination. ok. i don't know what else to say.

dusty and nat are married. that's cool. got to see some old friends.

tim and i played no mercy on n64 last night. we are cool.



Blogger Trisha Tschopp said...

what are you wearing?

7:31 AM

Blogger rebekah said...

hey dave -- got the sedan. yeah, it kinda looks like a family vehicle for six, and i am one, but i like it. that is great about the coffeehouse... kinda jealous. i would without a doubt open a coffeehouse before being a PT -- but don't tell anyone. well, i am posting it online, but who cares. i do like my job, most of the time, but i really, really want to quit already and open a coffeehouse. always have. if i ever get married (haha), and i can con my husband into working, i will quit this PTbusiness :) ... and roast some coffee!

no real new news... i feel like i am old and boring. go to work, go to sleep. go to work. go to sleep.pitiful really :)

4:18 PM


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