well i'm lame i guess, i turned OFF word verification so at least i'd get random comments from perverts and people trying to get me to sign up for crap. a friend got me a duck call for christmas. coolest gift. i don't hunt. but it's fun calling ducks. communicating with another speices of life. there is something magical about it. apparently though i'm lame to ducks also, cause they don't come when i call. i did get a moose to stop by, but he was just lost and needed directions. apparently you can get a bear call also. this seems like a dumb idea though. duck, pretty harmless creature. bears will rip your face off. ask the bear guy, the one who thought they were all cute and misunderstood, the one who went to live with them. yeah they ate him. he's dead. don't think the bear call is a good idea. or at least you think they would put a warning label on the package. "proper use of this product could cause serious bodily harm, dismemberment or death by bear." and then underneath you could have like a little encouragment note type thank you for buying this product; "if your really good and are able to call a bear, thanks for buying this before you die." what redneck thought this was a good idea in the first place. calling bears. i know, let's go hunt polio. if we catch it, it could kill us. awesome! (wow)